March 26, 2019

The March 26, 2019 regular monthly meeting of the Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club was called to order by President Joe Butterfield with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Following the Pledge, minutes from the previous meeting were read by the Secretary and approved.

Anita presented the Treasurer’s Report. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved.

Gayel Alexander was present and updated members as to the upcoming Gun Show. She advised that the street banner will be hung Monday. There are 97 tables sold thus far. Radio ads have started and posters are out and hung in different locations in surrounding communities. The Civil Air Patrol kids will help again this year with the table set-up and take-down. The MCHS softball team will provide Navajo Tacos. There will also be a vender from Dove Creek with barbecue.   Anita inquired as to the additional sign that was discussed last year. After discussion, it was moved, seconded and approved to purchase an additional sign for posting at an estimated cost of $125.

The issue of people walking around during the Gun Show trying to sell personal firearms. Gayel advised that anyone bringing in a gun that they are trying to sell on their own will be stopped at the front table and questioned. After discussion as to several suggestions made, a motion was made by Jim Kingery and seconded by Jim Swanson that individuals intending to sell a personal firearm would pay $5.00 to get in plus an additional $10.00 (for 1 to 3 guns) to be able to attempt to sell their guns. They would be required to complete a vender application and follow the vender rules. A table will be set up towards the front for them to display their guns. This motion was approved.

Women on Target is scheduled for Saturday, June 1st. Anita has women signed up already with only ten slots left. The cost to sign up for Women on Target is $35 and she is making provisions for a more advanced group again this year. Volunteers are expected to show up at 7:30 for set up with the ladies joining us at 8:00 a.m. Anita did add that she purchased extra staplers that work for this year.

There is still no word that a 4-H member has signed up to attend the Whittington Center Camp for this coming summer; however, Norm previously indicated he may have a Jr. Shooter from La Plata County that could be eligible.

Anita also updated members present on the website which has been having problems. The website has now been improved and updated making it a much better site. Everyone needs to check it out.

Luann will be hosting a “Ladies Day” at the indoor range on Saturday, April 27th, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. This will be an open house allowing ladies to come shoot and is not to be construed as shooting lessons. This will be a test to see what kind of interest we have for this type of activity. If possible and enough interest shown, one could be planned this summer at the outdoor range with rifles.

Joe advised that we have received three requests for donations, with the first from the 100 Club. They are conducting a golf tournament this summer with a limit of 12 teams of four, one of which must be a first responder. Last year, we gave the 100 Club the sum of $1,000. After discussion, a motion was made to give them $1,000 this year, which amount would sponsor all 12 first responders in the tournament. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to give 100 Club the sum of $1,000. The second request was from the Dolores County Fair. After discussion a motion was made and approved to give them $150.00. The third request was from “Hunt of a Lifetime”. It was decided to table this request until we can obtain more information. If we do end up donating to this, Rich suggested that the donation come from Jr. Shooters.

Mike brought up the fact that the “Red Flag Law” has passed. He thought it would be a good idea if we had a Senator or Representative to talk to us. Don Coram of Montrose will be contacted.

Luann advised that as of last Wednesday, we have 145 paid members. She also thought we would need to order keys before too long. A motion was made as to the purchase of 200 keys, which motion was seconded and approved.

Andy advised that not much was going on at the outdoor range yet. Sucker shoots will start the last weekend in April. He is working on getting some tannerite shoots going this Summer as he has had a number requests for the same.

John McHenry advised members present that if you are not receiving Club emails to please check with him to make sure he has the correct address.

Susa thanked everyone for helping her get her first issue of the Crackshot out.

Jim Kingery advised everyone present of the septic issue at the indoor range. LePew came out today to pump out the tank. After review, it was decided that it was an old metal tank and he recommended not pumping it out. It was estimated that it would take $10,000 to replace the whole system, but they are hoping that we will be able to use the existing leach field. Jim performed a “flood test” on the leach line today. If we end up having to replace the entire system, we will have to get permits, etc. Jim and Joe have a meeting with the City Manager on April 1st.

Andy advised that windows at the indoor range need to be replaced. He offered to replace the windows at cost with no charge for labor. Andy will advise as to the cost of the glass.

It was also suggested that the bathrooms, especially the women’s bathroom, be renovated. This was tabled until the next meeting when Norm can be here.

Steve Kelly announced that there is a possibility of construction of a Convention Center at the Fairgrounds. He would like the members to support this. A community meeting is scheduled for April 19th.

Rich advised that the Commissioners signed a proclamation regarding the Red Flag Law. He feels this is supporting the existence of shooting ranges within the County.

Upon Motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Picture of Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

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