April 30, 2019

The April 30, 2019 regular monthly meeting of the Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club was called to order by President Joe Butterfield at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Following the Pledge, John McHenry introduced special guests, Grant and Tammy Lindsay, who came to discuss ideas as to a plan for a memorial on behalf of their son, Will Lindsay, a Green Berate who was killed in action. Suggestions from the floor included a rock garden around the flag pole, dedicate the flag pole, dedicate the pavilion and dedicate the 500 yard range since he loved long-range shooting. The plan has been tabled to afford the opportunity to come up with a more definitive proposal.


Anita handed out the Treasurer’s Report to members present. After explanation of the report by Anita, a motion was duly made and seconded to approve the report as written, which motion passed unanimously.


It was announced that Caleb Burdine (age 14) was the recipient of the Club’s sponsorship to the Whittington Center this year. Caleb is a member of La Plata 4-H and also participates in the Jr. Shooter’s program.


Anita provided an update on the Gun Show as Gayel was out of town. The Club profited approximately $4,081.63 this year on top of three rather larger increases in costs, i.e., Sheriff, $680.00 for deputies during the day, Civil Air Patrol, $50.00 and an insurance increase of $700.00. A $25.00 gift card was also purchased for the singer with the Color Guard. A problem with our insurance arose, but we were able to get covered at the last minute. Gil Martinez reported that the Montrose Gun Show also had an issue with their insurance. He will contact them and ask which company they are working through.


Luann reminded everyone of Ladies’ Day coming up on Saturday.


Anita advised that Women on Target is now full with a waiting list of 8 individuals. She feels everything is set and thanked the volunteers in advance for their help.


Norm Bowie reported that Jr. Shooters was winding down. They will have their fun night Friday and will then be done. Members just competed in Grand Junction where there were 52 competitors with the two top shooters coming from Cortez. Next year, there will be four clubs to compete against. Norm already has a waiting list for Fall. Jr. Shooters made $1,782 on the rifle raffle. Norm wanted to thank Ron Dedorian who has been a supporter of the Jr. Shooters program. Kelly Belt has signed on to assist Norm this Fall.


Earl advised that he had received several good comments regarding the Gun Show. He did receive one that suggested we have a recycle bin for use by visitors.


Luann announced that to date, we have 236 paid members so far. Summit Shooting can now take applications for new and renewing memberships. Craig asked if we could get some kind of a sign for him to advertise about the memberships.


Jim Kingery advised that the igniter for the furnace in the indoor range has been repaired. Also, the new septic tank has been ordered through Four Corners Precast and will arrive next week. The old tank will be pumped out on May 6th and then will be replaced. Also, new LED lighting has been placed in the range. Jim will be getting with Norm to discuss the bathroom renovations.


Rick Corbitt spoke about the NRA’s latest fiasco as reported in the New Yorker Magazine. He will provide the links to John McHenry in order that he may forward the same to members.


There being no further business, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Picture of Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

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