February 2020 Meeting Minutes

President Joe Butterfield called the February 25, 2020 regular monthly meeting of the Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Joe welcomed everyone in attendance and wanted to start a new process by having everyone introduce themselves.

Since Anita was absent, Joe provided a Treasurer’s Report, which, upon motion duly made, was unanimously approved.

Under Old Business, we have received a signed Agreement with the Wendy Gap Regulators and they will start using the range as agreed.

Gayel Alexander advised that they have 55 tables sold for the Gun Show to date with 18 confirmed vendors. The banner application is ready to go. There was a typo on the flyer so new
flyers are currently being printed. Remember, the Gun Show will be April 17, 18 and 19.

Mike Upchurch provided an update on our Gold Medal status. They are putting the stuff together and we should have our plaque sometime in March. There are only about 200 Gold
Medal Clubs in existence. He would like us to consider being an NRA Recruiter Club and the Club would actually get money back by recruiting.

Luann said membership renewals are going good with Choice and RDF Guns and they are getting it figured out and going more smoothly.

Jim Kingery was not present but did submit notes to Joe. He did speak with Cortez Electric about changing the lights in the Range. It would cost $500 to change out the lights in the actual
range and $300 to change over to LED lights in the meeting room. Empire Electric would refund half. A motion was made and approved to replace the lights in the meeting room for now. It was
decided to hold off on the range. Jim also mentioned in the notes about the possibility of purchasing a cabinet for the bathroom to house cleaning supplies, toilet paper, etc. This was
tabled until the next meeting.

Norm announced that Jr. Shooters are going strong. They have their first competition coming up in Montrose. They have received everything requested under their NRA grant. Also, long-time
member Bill Taylor had passed away and the family donated all of his ammo to Jr. Shooters.

Joe advised that the 100 Club will be hosting their second annual golf tournament. They are asking the Club to renew their $1,000 donation towards entry fees for first responders to play in
the tournament. A motion was made and unanimously approved.

Women at the Range will start Sunday, March 1 st . We have 9 ladies signed up so far and expect more. We are anxiously looking forward to getting started.

Tip-A-Cop will be held March 14 th at JFargos Restaurant. A motion was made to donate $250 to the Dare Program, which motion was passed.

Tim Hunter headed up our annual election of Officers and Directors. After reviewing the ballots received by mail and having no new nominations made on the floor, it was deemed that all were
declared elected by acclamation. The 2020 Officers and Directors of the Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club are as follows:
President: Joe Butterfield
Vice-President: Mike Upchurch
Treasurer: Anita Mayhew
Secretary: Jenn Reynolds
Directors: Earl Moore, John McHenry and Mic McPherson
Jr. Shooters: Norm Bowie
Indoor Range: Jim Kingery
Outdoor Range: Chuck Wark
There being no further business, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.

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Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

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