February 26, 2019

The Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club regular monthly meeting was called to order by President Kelly Ellis on February 26, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Following the Pledge, Kelly welcomed all in attendance and confirmed that he will not serve as President.  He has put in 20 years in the Club.

Shanda Minor of Shooters World was present and brought the members up to date on their situation.  The Shooters World building is under contract and scheduled to close Friday.  They are to be out by March 31st.  The store will be open through March 8th; however, they will make concessions for members wishing to renew their membership or join the club.  Their new location will be next door to Tequila’s.  Shandra advised that they are planning to doing the background checks at the Gun Show and are just waiting on final approval from the ATF.

Marvin Hermanns spoke to us about the pending Red Flag Bill.  He read an article that appeared in the local paper and encouraged everyone to fight it.  A special County Commissioner’s meeting has been scheduled for 6:30 Thursday in an attempt to have Montezuma County set as a “sanctuary county”.

Roger Lawrence was able to get a price for hats for Pistol League awards at a cost of $10 each.  Earl Moore made a motion to approve the sum of $400 to purchase hats for Pistol League, which motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Anita provided the Treasurer’s Report, which Report was unanimously approved.  She also received notification regarding the upcoming “Tip A Cop” event at J Fargos.   A motion was made by Tim and seconded by Roger that the Club donate the sum of $250.  After discussion, the motion was unanimously approved.

Anita also advised that the Website is in need of an update.  The cost for the changes and the update would be $1,647.  She asked the members to check out the proposed changes.

The local 4-H program has advised that no one has applied to attend the Whittington Center Camp this year.  Last year, we sponsored one child and paid $1,500 towards his trip.  Norm indicated he may have a child in Jr. Shooters that may qualify.

NRA grants have been announced and Women on Target should receive approximately $1,700 and Jr. Shooters will get approximately $3,200.

Luann asked about the possibility of hosting a “Ladies Day” at the Indoor Range.  April 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. was set as the tentative date.

Gayel Alexander provided an update on the Gun Show.  CREA is going to start marketing the event.  Jr. Civil Air Patrol will again be helping with the tables.  If anyone is interested in volunteering to help, please notify Gayel.

Kelly turned the meter over to Tim Hunter for the election.  Having no nominations made from the floor, the following were elected to office by acclamation:

President:                                 Joe Butterfield

Vice President:                       Mike Upchurch

Secretary:                                 Luann Meyer

Treasurer:                                 Anita Mayhew

Indoor Range Director:          Jim Kingery

Outdoor Range Director:       Andy Spruell

Jr. Shooters Director:             Norm Bowie

It was determined that one of the individuals running for Director was ineligible as he was not a current member of the Club; therefore, the following were appointed at Directors:  Earl Moore, John McHenry and Desmond Calhoon.

Kelly Ellis was thanked for his many years of service to the Club and was presented a plaque and two gift certificates.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Luann Meyer, Secretary

Picture of Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

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