January, 2020 Meeting Minutes

President Joe Butterfield called the January 28, 2020 regular monthly meeting of the Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Joe thanked everyone for attending.

Anita provided a Treasurer’s Report, which, upon motion duly made, was unanimously approved.

Gayel Alexander gave us an update on the Gun Show. Applications have been sent out and she has 18 tables sold so far. Advertising money is coming from CREA and Shandra Minor will do the background checks.

Wendy Gap Regulators have asked to use our outdoor range for their monthly shoots. They are looking at the area east of our current cowboy range. Mike Kelso said that anybody is welcome to shoot at their shoots which are not SASS structured. Wendy Gap has a different shooting style and he is not for them using the current cowboy range; however, he doesn’t mind if they use another part of the range. Roger doesn’t see any conflict as Wendy Gap Regulators will use their own targets, set them up and then take them down the same day. Jeff Stewart spoke in support of Wendy Gap Regulators using our range. Discussion regarding using the old tactical range was had. They shoot the first Saturday and Sunday of each month starting March 1st. They start at 9:00 a.m. in the summer and 10:00 a.m. in the winter. It would not be necessary that any part of the range to be shut down for Wendy Gap Regulators’ shoots. 4CRP would receive $5.00 per shooter. A motion was made for 4CRP to authorize Wendy Gap Regulators to use the agreed upon first weekend of the month with the understanding that if the first is on a Sunday then the Saturday before will be used; that they will have a cargo trailer for storage of their equipment; that they will pay 4CRP $5.00 per shooter, which motion was carried. A written agreement will be drafted between 4CRP and Wendy Gap Regulators. Wendy Gap Regulators will also sign a waiver of liability.

Norm said that he could bring in equipment to knock down some of the brush in the old tactical area and will contact Tim.

Mike Upchurch gave us an update on his NRA Gold Medal Award research for 100% NRA Clubs. We are also required to belong to the Colorado State Shooters Association before receiving the Gold Medal Award and is mailing the application tomorrow.

Luann advised that Choice Builders (Ace) and RDF have agreed to accept membership applications.

Jim announced that they replaced the cardboard backing in the indoor range. Spring pistol league starts tomorrow. He is letting the Police and the Sheriff’s Department use the range. He is also still looking into getting LED lights.

The dumpster at the outdoor range did not get dumped this past month as Waste Management’s truck got stuck out there.

Norm said that Jr. Shooters is going great. Hoping to get an NRA grant of approximately $4,000. He is still looking a recruiting someone to take over but Norm is still willing to do the administrative part.

Joe advised that the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Posse is looking a conducting conceal carry classes and would like to use the indoor range.

We still have issues with the use of shotguns at the outdoor range which destroy our target frames.

At the time we revised our By-laws, no one noticed that our street address was wrong. We need to correct this.

Anita advised that our Director insurance is done and that the documents for the gun show insurance has been sent in. Also, with Shooters World closing, the banner ad is available on our website. Ron Ferguson of RDF Guns said he would take it. We need someone to work on our website. If you know of anyone, please contact Anita.

Four Corners Women at the Range is taking over Women on Target. Get togethers will be held on the first Sunday of each month. Cost for joining is $30/year for members and $40/year for non-members of the club. Ron from RDF advised that he has a “purchase program” for the ladies. Also, WOT had issues with the Ruger 10/22’s. They are getting shipped back to Ruger to be checked out and hopefully replaced.

Earl and his volunteers made $931 for hunter site-in this year.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to purchase CMP for the Club in the amount of $30.

Dolores County Fair submitted a request for sponsorship again this year. A motion was made, second and unanimously approved to send them $150.

The Nominating Committee submitted the following list of potential officers for the upcoming year:
President: Joe Butterfield
Vice-President: Mike Upchurch
Treasurer: Anita Mayhew
Secretary: Jenn Reynolds
Directors: Earl Moore, John McHenry and Mic McPherson
Jr. Shooters: Norm Bowie
Indoor Range: Jim Kingery
Outdoor Range: Chuck Wark

These names will be placed on the ballot and submitted to the printer for insertion in the Crackshot.

Roger advised that the Fall Pistol League was finished and that qualification for the Spring League will be held tomorrow night.

There being no further business, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m.

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Next Club Meeting - Tues 8/27/24 @ Indoor Range @ 6:30 Sign up for gate orientation to get your key card

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