June, 2019

The June 25, 2019 regular monthly meeting of the Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club was called to order by President Joe Butterfield at 6:34 p.m.


Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Anita handed out the Treasurer’s Report to members present. After explanation of the report by Anita, a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Rick Corbitt and seconded by Jim Kingery, which motion passed unanimously.


Under old business, Anita passed out survey results from WOT attendees with very positive feedback. WOT netted a profit of $425.00.


As to new business, Joe advised that Kelly is planning to head up the Club barbecue on August 27th. We will have a choice of steak or chicken and those planning on attending will need to notify Kelly of their choices. Charge for the dinner will be $5.00 for members and their immediate family and $10.00 for non-members. Bring desserts.


Norm announced that he purchased a case of .22 ammo for Junior Shooters. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to reimburse him the sum of $210.


Jim said that now that the temperatures are going up, he will get the swamp cooler at the indoor range running.


Rich headed up a discussion as to why we are a 100% NRA Club. He pointed out that articles contained in the New Yorker and Vanity Fair reflect liberal attacks/assaults on the NRA. “If they take down the NRA they take down the Second Amendment”. He advised that at one time the Club was recognized as a Gold Medal Club for being 100% NRA and is going to check into getting that reestablished. Earl announced that he was proud to belong a club that is 100% NRA.


Rich would also like to see the County Commissioners enter a proclamation supporting gun ranges and will check into getting a Petition drafted for the County’s support.


There being no further business, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Picture of Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

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