June 2020 Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the Four Corners Pistol Rifle Club 6/30/2020

The Meeting was brought to order by President Joe Butterfield @ 6:30pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were 14 members present which introduced themselves.


Anita presented the treasurers report which was motioned and passed.  Ending club balance for the month of June 2020 is $81,369.82

Women at the Range budget was presented. We are still waiting to hear on the NRA grant – currently $246.39 over income from the event.


Old Business

  • Gun Show: August 14,15,16
    • Gayle spoke with the County Commissioners and they have allowed the gun show to go through without restrictions. Attendees will have to sign a waiver and have their temperatures taken at the door. There will be signs saying not to attend if they are sick, but masks will not be required.
    • Insurance will be lower this year, last year’s cost was $1200. Will not cover Covid-19.
    • Gun show will use the entire arena to allow for greater spacing.
    • There’s been an increase in interest from vendors due to being the first gun show to run in 2020 since pandemic.
    • Brandi will offer a CCW class at the gun show.
    • Dwayne Calhoun is wanting to provide the clubs with masks to sell at the Gun Club. Dwayne will sell the masks to the club for $5, the club will sell them at the show for $10.
      • A motion was made to purchase 100 masks to sell at the show with the option for attendees to order them at the show.  Seconded and passed.
    • Mike Upchurch
      • We received notification of our Gold Club status and our membership to the Colorado State Shooters Association.
      • Discussed making a greater effort to recruit NRA members for additional funds / discounts.
    • Indoor Range
      • Jim reported that Cortez Electric has still not responded back about the lights for the meeting room. Comfort Air has been out to the range to set up the swamp cooler.
      • Anita thanked Jim for putting up new target backs for the Women at the Range shoot on June 7th. Told Jim about the heater in the women’s bathroom needing maintenance.
    • Outdoor Range
      • Jim talked to John Camponova and picked up 6 new metal target holders.
      • Chuck is planning on making more wooden target stands this weekend.
    • Membership
      • Currently at 336 members
      • Luann has passed membership duties over to Jenn
    • Earl
      • Nothing new
    • Susa
      • Nothing new
      • Crackshot will be out by July Meeting

New Business

  • Got a website request from a Dan Black – who is an Independent Contractor for an unnamed Gun and Tactical Supply Shop. Wants to know if we would like to place an affiliate link on the website in exchange for a donation.  Joe is trying to verify if this is a legitimate request and will bring back to the club once we get more information.
  • August meeting will be at the outdoor range for the annual picnic. Kelly Ellis will be organizing it again this year.
  • Brandi – Will check with Jim and Chuck to start scheduling dates to run classes. There was interest in an RSO class.  Also interest in NRA certified CCW classes.  Club does not charge for use of indoor range for classes.

Adjourned 7:31pm

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Next Club Meeting - Tues 10/29/24 @ Indoor Range @ 6:30 Sign up for gate orientation to get your key card

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