May, 2019

The May 28, 2019 regular monthly meeting of the Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club was called to order by President Joe Butterfield at 6:30 p.m.


Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Anita handed out the Treasurer’s Report to members present. After explanation of the report by Anita, a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Jim Kingery and seconded by Earl Moore, which motion passed unanimously.


Gayel Alexander was present and provided Gun Show results. The club made $3,560.59 from the Show and she thanked all of the volunteers for their help. Dates have been set for next year’s Gun Show which is scheduled for the weekend after Easter. She will upgrade the flyers and the website.


Anita advised that Women on Target is set for this upcoming weekend. She emailed the volunteers to confirm plans. Anita announced that WOT may have to disassociate from NRA due to their demands and asked for new name suggestions. She is hoping that we can still receive a grant from them.


The Lindsay family is still discussing choices as to what would be best suited for a memorial as to their son, Will. Mick MacPherson advised that he has made arrangements for an Army Representative to be present at the ceremony. If it is decided to dedicate the flagpole, Norm volunteered to build a stand for the plaque.


Walt Buckholts, representing CDOT, was present and explained to the members present about the Priority Culvert Program. As part of the Program, the State will be repairing/replacing the culvert that runs under the highway by inserting a plastic liner in the 60” culvert to aide with runoff. This project will probably be done in December of this year. The work will not interfere with range use nor the entrance to the range; however, some of their equipment may be parked in the lot between the range property and the highway.


Mr. Malinski brought up the issue of the club being an “NRA Exclusive Club”. This started a lot of discussion; however, it was ultimately explained that members must belong to the NRA for insurance reasons.


Rich asked the members to contact the Commissioners and encourage support of the gun range and further support our Second Amendment, especially with the current state of affairs.


Norm advised that Caleb Burdine will be attending the Whittington Center. Junior Shooters are waiting to start this Fall.


Jim Kingery advised that everything is up and running. He did end up having to install a new clean-out pipe. He would like to get ideas to upgrade the indoor range, paint, etc.


There being no further business, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m.

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Next Club Meeting - Tues 10/29/24 @ Indoor Range @ 6:30 Sign up for gate orientation to get your key card

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