May 2020 Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the Four Corners Pistol Rifle Gun Club 5/26/2020

The meeting was brought to order by Joe Butterfield @ 6:28pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were 13 members present which introduced themselves.


Anita presented the treasurers report which was motioned and passed. Ending club Balance for the month of May 2020 is $81,398.64


Old Business

  • Gun Show:
    • Gayel emailed Joe with details on the upcoming Gun Show which was moved to August. 24 Vendors are currently confirmed for attendance and have paid for their booths.  The Show lost 4 Vendors with the move and will be advertising for new vendors starting in June.
    • Montezuma County Commissioners have made an appeal to the State of Colorado to be able to start holding larger events in August. Final decisions regarding August Gun Club event is on hold until the decision has been made by the State and Commissioners.
  • NRA Whittington Center Sponsorship
    • There were 2 applicants for sponsorship to attend the Whittington Center Sponsorship in New Mexico. Both applicants are Montezuma County 4H Shooters.  Center is closed this year due to COVID – offer has been extended to sponsor a shooter next year.
    • Mic brought up that Whittington Center is affiliated with NRA in name only and receives no financial support from the NRA so supporting their shooting clinics is important for the center to remain operational.
    • Last year’s sponsored shooter came from La Plata County 4H Shooters as no one from Montezuma County applied last year.
  • Four Corners Women at the Range
    • June 6 – Annual Instructional Shooting Clinic:
      • Health safety/sanitizing measures are being taken to keep everyone as safe as possible.  The provided meal will be individually wrapped.
      • 1 attendee chose to not attend, the spot has already been filled.
      • Volunteers need to show up by 7:30 am and will be briefed by Norm on what areas of safety need to be stressed while volunteers work with attendees.
      • Jim brought up that volunteers tend to send mixed instruction to attendees which can cause frustration. It was decided that volunteers need to “stay in their own lane” as everyone teaches differently.
    • June 7 – Competitive League
      • 18 Shooters will be broken into 2 shooting lines and times to facilitate social distancing guidelines.
    • Gold Medal Club Status
      • NRA has been difficult to get a hold of due to Covid-19, but with persistence, Mike prevailed and was told that we met all conditions to be a Gold Medal Club. We should be receiving plaque mid to late June.
      • Gold Medal Club status comes with perks.
    • Membership
      • Luann asked the club to approve the purchase of 50 more keys for the outdoor range. The motion was held, seconded, and approved.
      • Luann is ready to pass membership duties to Jenn
    • Indoor Range
      • Jim updated the club on the status of the approved LED lighting in the front meeting room of the indoor range. Cortez Electric will fit the range into their schedule.
      • Propane has been shut off to the building for the summer months to conserve fuel.
      • Jim will be contacting Comfort Air to get the swamp cooler ready for summer months.
    • Outdoor Range
      • Chuck was not present but messaged Joe with updates. He has asked for $300 for materials to convert all-metal target stand holders to the above-ground holders which do not get filled with dirt, rocks, and other detritus.  John Camponova has offered to build the holders for free.  The motion passed.
      • Chuck has also requested up to $300 to build 50 new sandbags for the outdoor range. The club already has the denim, the cost will be for Lee Shane to sew the bags on an industrial machine and for filling.  The motion passed.
      • .22 Plinkoff will take place this weekend with the caveat that no one will be able to share guns. Chuck is also planning on mowing the outdoor range this weekend – Joe has asked about getting in touch with the county to see if the range can be sprayed.
    • Shooters
      • Norm is working on confirming participants and filling open slots from his waitlist. 20 participants are manageable.
      • It will be starting a month early this year in October so that a canceled competition can take place in 2020 to use already purchased trophies.
      • Received a grant from the NRA for apx. $3800 for equipment.
      • Earl observed that the Outdoor Range has seen an increase in usage since COVID, and that the range that the Windy Gap Shooters are using for their Cowboy Shoot is in much better condition.
      • Windy Gap Shooters have paid early for use of the Outdoor Range.

New Business

  • New member Introduction – Brandi
    • Recently relocated to the Durango Area
    • Is a certified NRA Instructor and Training Counselor

Adjourned at 7:09pm.

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

Next Club Meeting - Tues 10/29/24 @ Indoor Range @ 6:30 Sign up for gate orientation to get your key card

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