November 2019 Meeting Minutes

The November 26, 2019 regular monthly meeting of the Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club was
called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Joe Butterfield with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Joe advised that Mike Upchurch was at the hospital and would be unable to attend the meeting.
We received a Thank You from the Dolores County Fair Board for our contribution.
Anita provided a Treasurer’s Report, which, upon motion duly made, unanimously approved.

The pistol range has been graveled.

Roger Lawrence advised that pistol league started last week. He has 25 shooters. The winter
league will run a little longer with Christmas and New Years coming on Wednesdays this year.
At the last meeting, there was a suggestion brought up regarding hunter site-in and changing the
targets to red instead of blue as the blue targets are hard to see. A motion was made, seconded
and unanimously carried to purchase 1,000 targets for the sum of $115. Brent will place the

Luann advised that we presently have 416 members.

Jim announced that the air conditioner has been winterized but we do not have it covered yet.
Roger commented that the gravel at the indoor range is wonderful.
Norm advised that Jr. Shooters has started and is going well. He may accept two more shooters.
Susa advised that the next issue of Crack Shot will contain ballot information. We will be on a
tight time line with that issue.

Joe announced that Adam Winch would like to schedule a class for the weekend after Christmas.
After discussion, it was decided that he would not be charged for his use.
Shooter’s World is closing and will no longer be taking memberships. They are hoping the Club
will be contact them regarding the background checks for the gun show. It was suggested that
we contact Jane at Goods for the Woods and RFD Guns for membership locations.
We have our annual election coming up. Joe appointed a Nominating Committee of John, Kelly
and Don Cook. The Committee is to survey the current officers about re-running and to recruit
individuals to run. Joe will talk to Tim regarding running the election for us again.
Roger advised that Windy Gap Regulators are no longer shooting at Martin’s Range. They
would like to use our facilities at the outdoor range. At one time, Mike Kelso was opposed to
them using the upper end of the 500 yard range. We don’t know if our insurance would cover
them as an “outside entity”. The Windy Gap Regulators are requesting that we enlarge the
parking area, install a storage shed for their use, provide cleaning of porta potty. They have
matches the first Saturday and Sunday of the month and offered to pay us $5.00 per shooter
(which would run approximately $1,000/year). Joe would like Mike to come and speak to us
regarding this request. Roger said that he doesn’t see any conflict. Joe feels that the Club should come first then we accommodate others. It was decided to table this until the January meeting.

Anita advised that we got approved for another raffle license.

There being no further business, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was
adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

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Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

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