October, 2019 Minutes

The October 29, 2019 regular monthly meeting of the Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Joe Butterfield with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Following the Pledge, Anita provided a Treasurer’s Report. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made, which motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Anita also advised that all advertisers on the website are now paid up. She has also put in for a grant on behalf of “Women at the Range”, which is the new name for Women on Target. Rick did bring up a question as to insurance for the Gun Show and was informed that Gayel and Anita have already started working on that.

Under old business, Chuck advised that all of the berms at the pistol range are now at 50 feet, thanks to the help of one of the construction workers and his trackhoe (in exchange for some shooting time with a pistol). Hopefully this will eliminate the ricochet issue. It would still probably be a good idea to lay some pea gravel down also.

Earl was not present, but Rick said that attendance at the Hunter Site-ins has been about the same as in previous years. Everything has been running smooth.

November 13th will be the Fall Pistol League qualification night.

Joe advised that he reached out to Carol Hefner about coming back to the Club. There will be no chance of that happening until leadership changes.

Gayle provided an update on the Gun Show. Things are “pretty quiet” now. She has been in contact with New Mexico Gun & Knife Shows regarding getting word out. Most of the magazines have a 3-month maximum for gun show ads.

Jim will be getting the air conditioner winterized at the indoor range. The cardboard backs are still in pretty good shape and will wait until after a few shoots to change those out as well as the red “no shoot” zones boards.

Norm advised that Jr. Shooters will start November 8th. He has 21 kids signed up so far with another 10 wanting in. They will be shooting on Friday nights only starting at 6:00 p.m.

Under new business, Joe reminded members that we will have a meeting in November, but that no meeting will be held in December. Nominations for officers will be taken in January. Joe will appoint a Nomination Committee at the November meeting.

Brent Powell brought up the fact that the new blue targets are hard to see at Hunter Site-in and that the old red targets sure worked better. Since Hunter Site-in for this year is almost over, we will use what we have and work on getting new targets for next year.

There being no further business, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

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Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

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