October 2023 – Meeting Minutes

Four Corners Rifle & Pistol Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes
October 31, 2023

The meeting of the Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club was called to order by Mike Upchurch – President at 6:57 pm.  The Director’s Meeting started at 6:10 and wasn’t finished in time to start the regular meeting at 6:30 pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Roger.

Secretary’s Report – Jenn reported there are 484 members and the key cards inventory is OK for now.  The gate out at the outdoor range is locking itself open, tied to a members card maybe or a magnetic field is getting the wiring messed up.  Jenn will get a hold of the manufactured and see what might be causing this to happen.  She also reported she will no longer be available to do the gate/secertary responsibilities and the club will need to find someone to take over the these responsibilities.  There needs to be 2 people trained to cover the gate.  Mic made motion to approve the secretary’s report and Charles seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  Anita updated the members present on the treasurers reports for both September and October due to not having enough members present at last months meeting.  There is a CD maturing and after a lengthy discussion, Ron made a motion to take $20,000.00 from the Events Account, $3000.00 from the main account and then another $132.61 from the main account added to the $1867.39 from the CD to make it an even $25,000.00 new CD for 18 months.  This will help cover upcoming costs associated with the increase in fees from the State Land Board  for the Outdoor Range.  Mic seconded the motion and the motion passed.    Roger made a motion to approve the Treasurers reports for September and October.  Jenn seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Roger – The Pistol League will be starting November 1st.  Summer practice went well and the practices made over $120.00.  Single Gun will be added to the league this year with new rules for the participants.  Two Guns will continue with the same rules as last year.    Qualifications will be tomorrow from 3 to 7 pm.  Saturdays practices will be from 9 am to noon.  Anybody can come watch and shoot.

Charles – Fraley’s discount program is 10 cents per gallon when you are put on the monitoring program.  Automatic billing and auto pay is available for this program too.  Anita will get the information set up with Farley’s.  Charles will get estimates for a small 10 gallon water hear.  An on demand water heater might be more expensive and it might not be worth the expense.  Water and electric will still need to be turned off after each meeting or events held at the indoor range.

Norm:  A safety class was held last Saturday for Jr Shooters.   Starting this week, 2 spots are open for some older kids to be included into the program.  That will make 20 kids in all.  There are more kids on the list.  Raffle tickets for a Rugger 22 Long Rifle will be available soon for the raffle at the Gun Show in April 2024.  Three parents have agreed to help with the Jr. Shooters program for this year.   RSO classes will be required for new people to help Norm with the program.  Mike made a motion to approve paying for the 4 certifications that are required for exsisting RSO’s.  John seconded the motion and the motion passed.



Rodger – Norm – Anita

Roger, Norm and Anita are in the process of getting more information together on the Jr. Shooters program from when it started to present just so it’s history is written down and a part of the Club’s Histroy.

Outdoor Range:

The range will be closing around 5:30pm due to daylight savings time coming to an end.

Raffle Licensing:

Anita will be applying for a new raffle license for the new year.

Hunters Sight In:

This years sight in was very successful and made a total of $1350.00 to be donated to the Jr. Shooters program.  Hats are $15.00 a piece and there are still some left if anyone would like one.

Gun Show:

Gayel brought up the increase in fees the County has put in place for the Fairgrounds.  It was discussed about increasing the table fees to $60.00 a table to cover the extra costs of renting the fairgrounds for the Gun Show.  Anita made a motion to approve the $5.00 per table increase and Jenn seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Rodger seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

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Four Corners Rifle and Pistol Club

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